At the March 1970 San Diego's Golden State Comic-Minicon, left to right: Ken Krueger, Dave Clark (seated), Greg Bear (standing in the background), and unknown.
(Photo courtesy of Richard Alf.)
On March 21, 1970, San Diego’s Golden State Comic-Minicon was held in the basement of the U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. This small, one-day convention was held to raise funds and fan-recognition for the initial three-day convention, San Diego’s Golden State Comic-Con, to be held in August of that year.
Richard Alf, who was Minicon Co-Chairman (Bob Sourk was Chairman) recently found a set of photographs from that small event. One of these is reproduced above.
The publication that Ken Krueger can be seen handing to the fan on the right, while Greg Bear and Dave Clark look on, is a Minicon program book. (See cover image below.) The heavy cover paper stock was provided free (or cheap) by the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau and came pre-printed with touristy images of San Diego. The Minicon-specific information was printed over it.

March 1970 Program Book Cover for San Diego's Golden State Comic-Minicon
(Original courtesy of Richard Alf)
On the program book’s inside back cover was printed a “WE RECOMMEND” list. (See image below.) First on the list was Alert Booksellers, located in San Diego’s Ocean Beach community. Alert Books, co-owned by John Hull and Ken Krueger, was a great store with comics and science fiction in the front section. The early Comic-Con committees had a great time hanging out there.

Inside Back Cover of the March 1970 San Diego's Golden State Comic-Minicon Program Book (Original courtesy of Richard Alf)